To Kill a Mocking Bird
Harper Lee

Name: To Kill a Mocking Bird
Author: Harper Lee
Genre : Southern Gothic, Thriller
To kill a mocking bird has been my all-time favourite. I believe the story is unique and written intriguingly to attract the reader. I couldn’t take my eyes off until I finish reading. Scout in the narration is a girl with a sense of humour. Her behaviour and the dialect of speaking depict a perfect precocious child in mind. Well, Jem of course can be brave and audacious. Nevertheless, both are very much affectionate to Atticus.
I like how Harper Lee brings out the social disputes which prevailed in her hometown of Monroeville, Alabama, in 1936 such as racial discrimination, gender discrimination, and prejudice relatively, each chapter encapsulates the personal experience of both Jem and scout.
However, the story is a blend of emotions and thoughts. Atticus within the pages, is a determined man who had to face various obstacles for justice. The story outlines numerous symbols and brings out the taste in an extremely magnificent form. For example, the Radley’s house represents the mystery, terror and misunderstandings that can prevail in society while some animals in the story such as the mad dog represent injustice and unpredictable difficulties Atticus had to face.
As a moral of the story that outlines the topic ‘To Kill a Mockingbird, I would say…in the 10th chapter, there is this long and the most unique quotation said by Atticus to his children which is ultimately a message to all of us. As I quote “Shoot all the bluejays you want, if you can hit ‘em, but remember it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird.” It figurately means that killing the innocence and harmony represented by the mockingbird and Tom Robinson in the story is a great sin, as the mockingbird does not harm anyone but makes music for us to enjoy….
While reading the book I was able to figure out some new words which I would like to share with you:
- Wallow (lie about)
- Seceded (break away from)
- Indigenous (native)
- Vexations (irritation)
- Hilt (the handle of a weapon or tool)
- mortgaged (expose to future risk or constraint for the sake of immediate advantage)
- erratic (unpredictable)
- condescension (an attitude of patronizing superiority)
- expounding (present and explain in detail)
- iniquities (immoral or grossly unfair behaviour)
Reviewed by: Ms.C.Madawela, Librarian, ELSL